Article: -------- F. Rupp & J. Scheurle (2014): The Dynamics of the Jellyfish Joyride: Mathematical Discussion of the Causes Leading to Blooming, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, accepted. Abstract: --------- Dramatic increases in jellyfish populations which lead to the collapse of formally healthy ecosystems are repeatedly reported from many different sites. Due to their devastating effects on fish populations the understanding of the causes for such bloomings are of major ecological as well as economical importance. Following [a], we set up a twodimensional predator-prey model for the fish-jellyfish interactions by taking fishery as well as environmental conditions into account. It assumes fish as the dominant predator species. By totally analytic means, we completely classify all equilibria in terms of existence and non-linear stability, and give a description of this system's non-linear global dynamics. We analytically study the non-equilibrium dynamics and detect homoclinic, Andronov-Hopf, and Takens-Bogdanov bifurcations as well as non-existence of periodic and homoclinic orbits in certain relevant regions of the phase space. A hereby found, and analytically rigorously stated, funnel phenomenon gives rise to a mathematical explanation of jelly sh blooming beyond the typical one in terms of large-amplitude limit cycles based on the well-known Rosenzweig-MacArthur equations. Also, we illustrate the plethora of bifurcation scenarios by numerical results. [a]: F. Rupp & J. Scheurle (2013): Analysis of a Mathematical Model for Jellyfish Blooms and the Cambric Fish Invasion, Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, DCDS Supplement 2013 Proceedings of the 9th AIMS International Conference (Orlando, USA), pp. 663-672.