Projects & Events
"This disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise,
or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition, though necessary both to
establish and to maintain the distinction of ranks and the order of society, is, at the same
time, the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments. That
wealth and greatness are often regarded with the respect and admiration which are due only to
wisdom and virtue; and that the contempt, of which vice and folly are the only proper objects,
is often most unjustly bestowed upon poverty and weakness, has been the complaint of moralists
in all ages.
Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 1759
The Adam Smith Seminar is an interdisciplinary research seminar for the presentation of new work in economics, politics,
and philosophy. The atmosphere is open and informal. Guests are cordially welcome.
(Presentations will be in English or German language.)
Current seminar program:
the Adam Smith Seminar will be held online
- Winter 2024/ Spring 2025:
9 December, 2024: |
Talk by Steven S. Brams
(New York University) on "Is There a Better Way to Elect a President?"
Opening of the Seminary and Introduction by Manfred J. Holler
(University of Hamburg & Center of Conflict Resolution Munich)
16 December, 2024: |
Talk by Stefan Napel
(University of Bayreuth) on "Voting Success in Weighted Committees and Shareholder Meetings"
Introduction by Nicola Friederike Maaser (University of Aarhus)
13 January, 2025: |
Talk by Georg von Wangenheim
(University of Kassel) on "Efficient Grid Use and Efficient Grid Expansion: The Effects of Static and
Dynamic Electricity Grid Charges under Revenue Cap Regulation"
Introduction by Thomas Eger (University of Hamburg)
20 January, 2025: |
Talk by Serguei Kaniovski
(Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)), in cooperation with in Frank Steffen and Alexander Zaigraev,
on "Inter-Institutional Power and Ableness in the European Union"
Introduction by Claus-Jochen Haake (University of Paderborn)
27 January, 2025: |
Talk by Peter Skott
(University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
on "Wage Inequality, Business cycles and Power-Biased Economic Policy"
Introduction by Heinz Kurz (University of Graz)
3 February, 2025: |
Talk by Nargiz Hajiyeva
(Azerbaijan State University of Economics)
on "Illegal Market Activities in the Post-Soviet Space"
Introduction by Florian Rupp (Kutaisi International University and CCR Munich)
10 February, 2025: |
Talk by Don Saari (Distinguished Research Professor University of California, Irvine)
on "What Arrow's Theorem really means and how it can be resolved"
Introduction by Christian Klamler (University of Graz)
17 February, 2025: |
Talk by Timo Airaksinen (University of Helsinki)
on "Alfred Jarry's Dr Faustroll Exposed: A Comprehensive Reading"
Introduction by Patrick McNutt (CCR-Munich)
24 February, 2025: |
Talk by Fuad Aleskerov (HSE University, Moscow, Russia)
on "Representativity, Power Distribution, and Polarization in Parliaments. New Measures and Applications"
Introduction by Hannu Nurmi (University of Turku)
Past seminar programs:
- Winter/ Spring Term 2024
(in cooperation with the Institute for Applied Mechanism Design (IFAMD), Munich and Saarbrücken)
- Winter/ Spring Term 2023
(in cooperation with the Institute for Applied Mechanism Design (IFAMD), Munich and Saarbrücken)
- Spring/ Summer Term 2022
(in cooperation with the Institute for Applied Mechanism Design (IFAMD), Munich and Saarbrücken)
- Fall/ Winter Term 2021
(in cooperation with the Institute for Applied Mechanism Design (IFAMD), Munich and Saarbrücken)
- Winter/ Spring Term 2021
(in cooperation with the Institute for Applied Mechanism Design (IFAMD), Munich and Saarbrücken)
- Winter Term 2018/ 19
(in cooperation with the Seminar for Macroeconomics, University of Munich)
- Winter Term 2016/ 17
(at the Seminar for Behavioral and Experimental Economics, University of Munich)
- Summer Term 2016
(at the Seminar for Behavioral and Experimental Economics, University of Munich)
- Winter Term 2015/ 16
(at the Seminar for Behavioral and Experimental Economics, University of Munich)
- Summer Term 2015
(at the Seminar for Behavioral and Experimental Economics, University of Munich)
- Winter Term 2014/ 15
(at the Seminar for Behavioral and Experimental Economics, University of Munich)
- Summer Term 2014
(at the Seminar for Behavioral and Experimental Economics, University of Munich)
- Summer Term 2013 (at the University of Hamburg)
- Winter Term 2012/ 13 and
Adam Smith Workshop (at the University of Hamburg)
- Winter Term 2011/ 12 (at the University of Hamburg)
- Summer Term 2010 (at the University of Hamburg)
- "German-Greek Relations: Political Economy Perspectives", a conference at the Hochschule für
Politik (Technical University of Munich, TUM), 13-14/ 10/ 2017, Munich, Germany (organizers: E. da Conceicao-Heldt,
M.J. Holler, G. Tridimas) [information & program]
- International workshop "The Economics of Conflict" (in cooperation with the Johann Gutenberg University in
Mainz and the Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat), 31/ 03 until 02/ 04/ 2015, jointly at the Sultan Qaboos University
and the German University of Technology in Oman, Muscat, Oman, approx. 40 participants (organizers: M. Leroch, L. Goldsmith,
F. Rupp, H.H. Yari); supported by "The Research Council" (TRC) of the Sultanate of Oman, the Deanship of the Sultan
Qaboos University, the "Research Center Indian Ocean", and the Accedo Publishing House
book of abstracts, and
about the founding event of CCR Muscat]
- "Bildung, Art and Education" a joint workshop of the European Academy of Cultural Affairs,
the Institute of SocioEconomics, and the Center of Conflict Resolution, and , 10-12/ 04/ 2014,
Munich, Germany (organizers: B. Klose-Ullmann, M.J. Holler)
- Talk of Dr. Michael Plail: "Entscheidung, Strategie, Verhalten: Optimale Steuerungen in dynamischen,
kontinuierlichen Systemen"
with discussions, 27/ 02/ 2014
- "Culture and Cultural Economics" a joint event of the Gesellschaft für integrierte
Studien e.V., the Center of Conflict Resolution, and the Institute of SocioEconomics, 20/ 06/ 2013,
Munich, Germany (organizers: B. Klose-Ullmann, M.J. Holler)
- "Kult(ur)veranstaltung zum 1. Mai" a joint event of the Gesellschaft für integrierte
Studien e.V., the Center of Conflict Resolution, and the Institute of SocioEconomics, 01/ 05/ 2013,
Munich, Germany (organizers: B. Klose-Ullmann, M.J. Holler)
- Talk of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weigel: "Reflections on the economic theory of time: when time is
allocated in lots"
with discussions, 19/ 04/ 2013
- Talk of Prof. Dr. Manfred J. Holler: "Verhandlungsspiele und Lösungen"
with discussions, 25/ 03/ 2013
- "Verhandlungen und Auktionen in Theorie und Praxis" a joint event of the Gesellschaft für integrierte
Studien e.V., the Center of Conflict Resolution, and the Institute of SocioEconomics, 14/ 03/ 2013,
Munich, Germany (organizers: B. Klose-Ullmann, M.J. Holler)
- "Gamification, Gaming oder nur Spiel?" a joint event of the Gesellschaft für integrierte
Studien e.V., the Center of Conflict Resolution, and the Institute of SocioEconomics, 28/ 02/ 2013,
Munich, Germany (organizers: B. Klose-Ullmann, M.J. Holler)
[program und
(Inhaltliche) Nachlese der
Veranstaltung am 28.2.2013, GAMIFICATION und Spieltheorie, in fünf Thesen von Manfred J. Holler]
- Talk of Dr. Helmuth Blaseio: "Das KOGNOS-Prinzip: Die Chance zu einem interdisziplinären Paradigmenwechsel"
with discussions, 26/ 01/ 2013
- CCR-PCRC Summer School on "Approaches to Conflict Resolution", 24-26/ 09/ 2012, Turku, Finland
- CCR-PCRC Workshop on "Conflict Resolution and Public Choice", 01-02/ 10/ 2010, Turku, Finland
- Third Seminar of the Gesellschaft für integrierte Studien e.V., 19/ 02/ 2008, Munich,
Germany (organizers: B. Klose-Ullmann, M.J. Holler)
- First Game Theory Workshop "Entscheidungen, Spiele und Spieltheorie - Eine Einführung" of the
Gesellschaft für integrierte Studien e.V., 06/ 02/ 2010, Munich, Germany, approx. 40 participants
(organizers: R. Brandmeier, M.J. Holler, B. Klose-Ullmann, F. Rupp)
- First Joint CCR-PCRC Workshop "Institutional Design and Conflict Resolution", 09-10/ 02/ 2009, Hamburg,
Germany (organizers: M.J. Holler, F. Steffen)
[program & book of abstracts]
- Second Workshop of the Gesellschaft für integrierte Studien e.V., 12/ 09/ 2008, Munich,
Germany (organizers: B. Klose-Ullmann, M.J. Holler)
- PCRC-workshop "Power, Games and Institutions", 18-21/ 08/ 2008, Aland, Finland
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