Center of Conflict Resolution -- Munich

Center of Conflict Resolution — CCR Munich

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. Florian Rupp, FIMA

Florian Rupp
In the broad light of day mathematicians check their equations and their proofs,
leaving no stone unturned in their search for rigor. But, at night, under the full moon,
they dream, they float among the stars and wonder at the miracle of heavens.
They are inspired. Without dreams there is no art, no mathematics, no life.
(Sir Michael Atiyah)

In August 2020 Professor Rupp was appointed Professor at the School of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Kutaisi International University (KIU) [↑], Kutaisi, Georgia (founded 2020 and affiliated to the TU München). In May 2021 he was elected Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications [↑] (FIMA); one year later he became Doctor Honoris Causa at the Western Caspian University, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Cyber & Innovation Lab
Since June 2017 Professor Rupp is involved in several restructuring, transformation, and digitalization projects, e.g. as Director of the Think Tank "Cyber & Innovation Labs" (CIL), as Chief Digital Officer of RailMaint GmbH [↑], as Senior Project Manager, and later as Principal Consultant at BWI GmbH [↑]. Thanks to great support and encouragement of BWI, he was also associated to the Research Institute Code [↑] (Cyber Defence) at the Faculty of Informatics [↑] of the Universität der Bundeswehr München.

Moreover, Professor Rupp is Partner at the Institut für Angewandtes Mechanism Design (IFAMD) [↑], and Partner at Transformation Consulting International [↑].

From September 2013 to June 2017 he held a Professorship at the Department of Mathematics and Science at the German University of Technology in Oman (GUtech) [↑], Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. GUtech (founded 2007) is a private non-profit university and affiliated to the RWTH Aachen.

Durinng that time, he was also Visiting Professor at the Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing of the TU Wien (January/ February 2015), and Visiting Professor at the Chair of Scientific Computing of TU München's Department of Informatics (June/ July 2015 & July/ August 2017). Besides others, he was coorgainzer of the exhibitions "Crystals, Forbidden Symmetries & Quasi-Crystals" (Muscat, 2014), and the first "Imaginary" exhibition on the Arabian peninsula (Muscat, 2015), see [↑].

Department of Mathematics \& Science

January 2016 and March/ April 2013 Professor Rupp was Visiting Lecturer at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences [↑], Cape Town, South Africa. From September to December 2012 he was Visiting Assistant Professor at the Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Engineering division of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal near Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In 2008 he returned from a position as Management Consultant to the TU München at the Chair of Professor Dr. J. Scheurle and his research group on Dynamical Systems as Akademischer Rat a.Z. Since 2011 Professor Rupp is Vice-President of the Hurwitz-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Mathematik an der TU München e.V. [↑]

After studying Mathematics with Chemistry as minor at the TU München he completed his Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) in 2005 with a PhD-scholarship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft at the Graduate School Applied Algorithmic Mathematics under the supervision of Professor Dr. J. Scheurle at the TU München.

Professor Rupp's research interests comprise stochastic dynamical systems and their stability/ bifurcations, Hamiltonian systems and (classical) molecular dynamics, applications and mathematical modeling in Chemistry, Biology, Engineering and in particular the Social Sciences, as well as the simulation of PDEs with stochastic/ random forcing or controls.


Contents of this page:


  • Research Interests:
    • Stochastic mechanics/ dynamical systems and their stability/ bifurcations
    • Hamiltonian systems and applied dynamical systems
    • Cyber defense and infiltration games on networks
    • Applications and Mathematical Modeling in Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, and the Social Sciences
    • Simulation of PDEs with stochastic/ random forcing or controls
  • Interdisciplinary projects at the edge to Scientific Computing and Uncertainty Quantification:
    • "Effective & Efficient Simulation of Random Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations" together with T. Neckel [↑] (TU München) and A. Parra
    • "Optimal Allocation of Forces for Fighting Large-Scale Wildland Fires" together with T. Weinzierl [↑] (Durham Univ.)
    • "Mathematical Modeling & Analysis of Chronic Myelogeneous Leukaemia" together with T. Flå (Univ. Tromsø) and C. Woywod (Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry)
  • Director of the Think Tank "Cyber & Innovation Labs"
  • Member of the interdisciplinary pan-European research network "Center of Conflict Resolution" (CCR) and the Institute of SocioEconomics in Munich, founding member of the CCR hub in Muscat (in April 2015)
  •   Organized International Conferences & Symposia: (please, click on the "+" sign to read more)
    • "Dynamical Systems & Geometric Mechanics – a Conference in Honor of Jürgen Scheurle’s Emeritation" in cooperation with the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, Munich, 12-14/ 06/ 2017 (organizers: A. Johann, H.-P. Kruse, F. Rupp)
    • "Forth International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, Application, and Technology" (NAO2017), Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 02-05/ 01/ 2017 (organizers: M. Al-Baali, M. Al-Hinai, F. Al-Khaousi, N. Al-Salti, E. Balakrishnan, L. Grandinetti,B. Heim, S. Kerbal, I. Moghrabi, A. Oukil, A. Purnama, F. Rupp, M. Syam, C. Triki)
    • "The Economics of Conflict" in cooperation with the Johann Gutenberg University in Mainz and the Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat, 31/ 03 - 02/ 04/ 2015; supported by a grant of “The Research Council” (TRC) of the Sultanate of Oman, by the Deanship of the Sultan Qaboos University, and by the Accedo Publishing House (organizers: M. Leroch, L. Goldsmith, F. Rupp, H.H. Yari)
    • "Recent Trends in Dynamical Systems - An International Conference in Honor of Jürgen Scheurle" in cooperation with the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, Munich, 11-13/ 01/ 2012 (organizers: A. Johann, H.-P. Kruse, F. Rupp, S. Schmitz)
    • GKAAM autumn workshop "Spieltheorie und ihre Anwendung" in cooperation with the Deutsches Museum, Munich, 05-10/ 10/ 2005 (organizers: M. Kohls, F. Rupp, R. Stelzer)
    • GKAAM autumn workshop "Mathematische Methoden in der Biologie", Munich, 08-10/ 10/ 2003 (organizers: S. Gschlößl , F. Rupp, S. Schmitz)
  •   Organized Special Sessions & One-Day Workshops: (please, click on the "+" sign to read more)
    • Special Session "Applied Analysis and Dynamics in Engineering and Sciences" at the 11th AIMS Conference, Orlando, Florida, 01-05/ 07/ 2016 (organizers: Th. Hagen [↑], F. Rupp)
    • Special Session "Numerics of Chaos - Algorithms & Applications" at the 9th CHAOS 2016 International Conference, London, UK, 23-26/ 05/ 2016 (organizers: P. Koltai, F. Rupp)
    • Special Session "Applied Analysis and Dynamics in Engineering and Sciences" at the 10th AIMS Conference, Madrid, 07-11/ 07/ 2014 (organizers: Th. Hagen [↑], F. Rupp)
    • "First Game Theory Workshop" of the Gesellschaft für integrierte Studien e.V., Munich, 06/ 02/ 2010 (organizers: R. Brandmeier, M.J. Holler, B. Klose-Ullmann, F. Rupp)
    • First joint colloquium of GKAAM and TopMath "Mathematik und Politik", Munich, 14/ 09/ 2005 (organizers: R. Franken, F. Rupp)
  •   Organized International Talk Series: (please, click on the "+" sign to read more)
 Academic Awards & Grants
  • Doctor Honoris Causa at the Western Caspian University [↑] (2022)
  • Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (2021)
  • "Open Research Grant" of "The Research Council" (TRC) of the Sultanate of Oman to conduct the research program "Computer-Based Analysis of the Stochastic Stability of Mechanic Structures Driven by White and Colored Noise" (ORG/ CBS/ 14/ 008) as Principal Investigator (2015 - 2017)
  • TRC gant to conduct the workshop "The Economics of Conflict" (31/ 03 - 02/ 04/ 2015)
  • "Ernst Otto Fischer Teaching Award 2011" of the TU München together with Dr. Tobias Neckel, nominated by the faculty of informatics/ computer science at the TU München
  • "Felix-Klein Teaching Award 2011" of the faculty of mathematics at the TU München
  • Academic innovation award "Academicus 2005" of the TU München
  • PhD scholarship of the German Research Foundation for the "Graduate Program Applied Algorithmic Mathematics" (GKAAM) at the TU München, 2002 until 2005
Random Differential Equations in Scientific Computing Game Theory Lite

Dynamical Systems & Geometric Mechanics - Special Issue in Honor of
			J. Scheurle Dynamical Systems, Number Theory and Applications

Recent Trends in Dynamical Systems Automorphic Forms
  •   PhD- & Diploma-Thesis: (please, click on the "+" sign to read more)
    • F. Rupp (2005): Mathematical Analysis of a Restricted Three Body Coulomb System, PhD-thesis at the faculty of Mathematics, TU München (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. J. Scheurle).
    • F. Rupp (2002): Numerische Behandlung von Optimalsteuerungsproblemen für die inkompressible 2D-Navier-Stokes Gleichung, Diploma-thesis at the faculty of Mathematics, TU München (Supervisor: PD Dr. S. Ulbrich).
  • Lecture Notes:
    • S. Schmöe, U.M.A. Vorhauer, J. Liedtke, F. Rosemeier & F. Rupp (2018): Lehrbrief Mathematik I, 6. neu gestalte Auflage, SRH Hochschule für Logistik und Wirtschaft Hamm, Hamm.
    • S. Schmöe, F. Rosemeier, U.M.A. Vorhauer, K.-G. Steffens & F. Rupp (2018): Lehrbrief Mathematik II mit Ergänzungen, 6. neu gestalte Auflage, SRH Hochschule für Logistik und Wirtschaft Hamm, Hamm.
    • B. Heim, M. Neuhauser & F. Rupp (2017): Mathematics for Advanced Applications: The Kaizen-Lectures, Volume B: Real Analysis, German University of Technology in Oman, Muscat.
    • F. Rupp (2011): Introduction to the Dynamics of Stochastic Differential Equations with Applications in Structural Mechanics, TU München, München.
  • Courses:
    • "Simulating Societies" at the TU München (summer term 2022).
    • "Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Business and Management" at KIU, Kutaisi (spring term 2022).
    • "Calculus II for Management" (Linear Algebra, Differential and Integral Calculus in several variables) at KIU, Kutaisi (spring term 2022).
    • "Statistics for Business and Economics" at KIU, Kutaisi (autumn term 2021).
    • "Calculus I for Management" (Differential and Integral Calculus in one variable) at KIU, Kutaisi (autumn term 2021).
    • "Simulating Societies" at the TU München (summer term 2021).
    • Together with Prof. Dr. Chelidze "Calculus II for Management" (Linear Algebra, Differential and Integral Calculus in several variables) at KIU, Kutaisi (spring term 2021).
    • Block-course "Structured Innovation" at the University of Durham, Durham (February 2021)
    • Together with Prof. Dr. Dr. G. Oniani "Calculus for Mathematics" (Real Analysis) at KIU, Kutaisi (autumn term 2020).
    • Together with Prof. Dr. Dr. G. Oniani "Calculus I for Computer Science" (Differential and Integral Calculus in one variable) at KIU, Kutaisi (autumn term 2020).
    • "Simulating Societies: Evolution & Swarming" at the TU München (summer term 2020).
    • "Spieltheoretische Untersuchung miltärischer Entscheidungen", advanced student seminary at the Faculty of Informatics, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg, München (2nd trimester/ summer term 2020).
    • Block-course "Structured Innovation" at the University of Durham (March 2020)
    • "Intrusion and Intrusion Defense in Cyber-Physical Networks", advanced student seminary at the Faculty of Informatics, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg, München (3rd trimester/ autumn term 2019).
    • "Computational Social Dynamics & Crowd Formation" at the TU München (summer term 2019).
    • "Modeling & Analyzing Slime Molds' Equations of Life" at the Spring School of the Western Caspian University, Baku, Azerbaijan, 29/ 04 – 03/ 05/ 2019
    • "Mathematical Modeling of Cyber Activities", advanced student seminary at the Faculty of Informatics, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg, München (1st trimester/ winter term 2019).
    • "Simulating Societies: Computational Behavioral Modeling & Gaming" at the TU München (June/ July 2017).
    • "Numerical Mathematics for Engineering & Computer Science" with MATLAB applications, at GUtech, Muscat (spring term 2017); interactive online elements based on the Q&A platform piazza.
    • "Mathematics II for Computer Science" (Real Analysis) at GUtech Muscat (spring term 2017), with interactive online elements based on the Q&A platform piazza, and tailored computer labs on "Algorithmic Analysis & Optimization".
    • "Mathematics II for Logistics" (Linear Algebra & Graph Theory) at GUtech, Muscat (spring term 2017), with interactive online elements based on the Q&A platform piazza.
    • "Mathematics III for Engineering" (Multi-Dimensional Calculus, Integral Theorems & Ordinary Differential Equations) at GUtech, Muscat (winter term 2016/ 17), with interactive online elements based on the Q&A platform piazza.
    • "Microeconomics & Game Theory (The Art of Agent-Based Modeling)" for Logistics at GUtech, Muscat (winter term 2016/ 17), with interactive online elements based on the Q&A platform piazza.
    • "Mathematik und Statistik für Handelsmanagement & E-Commerce" at the Hochschule für Angewandtes Management, Ismaning, Germany (winter term 2016/ 17), semi-virtual course with interactive online elements based on the learning management system moodle.
    • Together with Dr. H.-P. Kruse "Celestial Mechanics", a block seminary/ reading course at the TU München (12 - 16/ 09/ 2016) in the frame of the Ferienseminar of the Hurwitz-Gesellschaft.
    • "Numerical Mathematics for Engineering & Computer Science" with MATLAB applications, at GUtech, Muscat (spring term 2016); interactive online elements based on the Q&A platform piazza.
    • "Mathematics II for Engineering & Computer Science" (Real Analysis) with interactive online elements based on the Q&A platform piazza, and including multimedia and embedded learning elements based on the e-learning platform MUMIE, as well as tailored computer labs on "Algorithmic Analysis & Optimization" for Computer Science, at GUtech, Muscat (spring term 2016).
    • "Applied Itô Stochastic Differential Equations in Science & Computational Finance" at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa (11/ 01 - 22/ 01/ 2016).
    • "Mathematics I for Engineering & Computer Science" (Numbers & Linear Algebra)with interactive online elements based on the Q&A platform piazza, and including multimedia and embedded learning elements based on the e-learning platform MUMIE, as well as tailored computer labs on "Algorithmic Linear Algebra: Small Scale Systems" for Computer Science, at GUtech, Muscat (winter term 2015/ 16).
    • "Microeconomics & Game Theory (The Art of Agent-Based Modeling)" for Logistics at GUtech, Muscat (winter term 2015/ 16), with interactive online elements based on the Q&A platform piazza.
    • Together with Prof. Dr. M. Bernecker and Prof. Dr. B. Heim "Mathematics in Science - Young Researcher's Seminary" at GUtech, Muscat (winter term 2015/ 16).
    • "Markov Processes in Modeling & Scientific Computing" at the TU München (23/ 06 - 02/ 07/ 2015).
    • "Mathematics II for Engineering, Computer Science & Logistics" (Real Analysis) with interactive online elements based on the Q&A platform piazza, and including multimedia and embedded learning elements based on the e-learning platform MUMIE, at GUtech, Muscat (spring term 2015).
    • Together with Dr. A. Azizi "Simulation Techniques & Neuronal Networks for Engineering" with Scilab/ Xcos applications, at GUtech, Muscat (spring term 2015); interactive online elements based on the Q&A platform piazza.
    • "Stochastic Differential Equations in Population Dynamics" for the Doctoral Program "Dissipation and Dispersion in Nonlinear PDEs" at the TU Wien (12/ 01 - 11/ 02/ 2015).
    • "Mathematics I for Engineering, Computer Science & Logistics" (Numbers & Linear Algebra) including multimedia and embedded learning elements based on the e-learning platform MUMIE, as well as tailored computer labs on "Algorithmic Linear Algebra: Small Scale Systems" for Computer Science, at GUtech, Muscat (winter term 2014/ 15).
    • "Microeconomics & Game Theory (The Art of Agent-Based Modeling)" for Logistics at GUtech, Muscat (winter term 2014/ 15).
    • Together with Prof. Dr. B. Heim "Mathematics in Science - Young Researcher's Seminary" at GUtech, Muscat (winter term 2014/ 15).
    • "Communication and Presentation for Applied Geoscience" at GUtech, Muscat (winter term 2014/ 15).
    • "Simulation Techniques for Engineering" with MATLAB/ Simulink applications, at GUtech, Muscat (spring term 2014).
    • Together with Prof. Dr. B. Heim "Mathematics II for Engineering & Computer Science" (Real Analysis) including multimedia and embedded learning elements based on the e-learning platform MUMIE, at GUtech, Muscat (spring term 2014).
    • "Mathematics III for Engineering" (Multi-Dimensional Calculus, Integral Theorems & Ordinary Differential Equations) at GUtech, Muscat (winter term 2013/ 14).
    • "Applied Itô Stochastic Differential Equations in Science & Computational Finance" at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa (18/ 03 - 05/ 04/ 2013).
    • "Applied Numerical Methods" (AMCS 206) at KAUST, Thuwal near Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (September to December 2012).
    • Together with Dr. T. Neckel "Ernst Otto Fischer-Lecture: "Dynamical Systems & Scientific Computing" with definition of assignments and tutorials at the TU München as well as a 3-day workshop at the Studienzentrum Josefstal (summer term 2012).
    • "Felix-Klein-Lecture: Introduction to Stochastic Dynamical Systems with Applications" with definition of assignments and tutorials at the TU München (summer term 2011). Guest speakers: Prof. Dr. P. Kloeden (University Frankfurt), Prof. Dr. M. Peletier (TU Eindhoven), Prof. Dr. P. Imkeller (Humboldt-University Berlin), Dr. C. Woywod (University of Tromsø).
				International University
    Durham University
    Western Caspian University
    UniBw München
    Department of Mathematics \& Science
    Viena University of Technology: Institute for Analysis
				and Scientific Computing
    African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
    Science Partnerships for Innovation and Sustainable Development
  • Certificate "Hochschullehre Bayern" (ProLehre TU München)
  • At the TU München: from 2001 until 2013 tutorials for students of mathematics, physics and the engineering sciences; inter alia:
    • Advanced student seminary "Dynamical Systems & Scientific Computing" with additional software development project (summer term 2013) together with Dr. T. Neckel
    • Assignments and tutorials for the course "Partial Differential Equations" (winter term 2010/ 11) of Prof. Dr. D. Matthes
    • Advanced student seminary "Dynamical Systems" (summer term 2010) together with PD Dr. A. Johann
    • Advanced student seminary "Dynamical Systems" (winter term 2009/ 10) together with Dr. H.-P. Kruse
    • Advanced student seminary "Dynamical Systems" (summer term 2009) together with PD Dr. A. Johann
    • Assignments and tutorials for the course "Measure & Integration Theory" (winter term 2008/ 09) of Prof. Dr. M. Brokate

      Complete list of tutorials I gave at the TU München: (please, click on the "+" sign to read more)
    • Summer term 2013: Exercise courses for "Höhere Mathematik II für Bau-, Vermessungs- und Umweltingenieurwesen", lecture given by Prof. Dr. J. Scheurle
    • Summer term 2012: Exercise courses for "Höhere Mathematik II für Bau-, Vermessungs- und Umweltingenieurwesen", lecture given by Prof. Dr. J. Scheurle
    • Winter term 2011/ 12: Exercise courses for "Höhere Mathematik I für Bau-, Vermessungs- und Umweltingenieurwesen", lecture given by Prof. Dr. J. Scheurle
    • Winter term 2010/ 11: Definition of assignments and exercise courses for "Partial Differential Equations", lecture given by Prof. Dr. D. Matthes
    • Summer term 2010: Exercise courses for "Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen", lecture given by Prof. Dr. J. Scheurle
    • Winter term 2009/ 10: Exercise courses for "Analysis I für Physik", lecture given by Prof. Dr. D. Castrigiano
    • Winter term 2008/ 09: Definition of assignments and exercise courses for "Maß- und Integrationstheorie", lecture given by Prof. Dr. M. Brokate
    • Summer term 2008: Exercise courses for "Höhere Mathematik II für Maschienenwesen und Chemie-Ingenieurwesen", lecture given by PD Dr. R. Calies
    • Winter term 2008/ 07: Exercise courses for "Höhere Mathematik III für Maschienenwesen und Chemie-Ingenieurwesen", lecture given by Prof. Dr. J. Hartl
    • Summer term 2006: Exercise courses for "Analysis IV", lecture given by Prof. Dr. J. Suris
    • Summer term 2005: Exercise courses for "Höhere Mathematik II für Bau- und Vermessungswesen", lecture given by Prof. Dr. J. Scheurle
    • Winter term 2004/ 05: Exercise courses for "Höhere Mathematik I für Bau- und Vermessungswesen", lecture given by Dr. J. Scheurle
    • 04/ 10 – 15/ 10/ 2004: Exercise courses for the "Mathematischen Vorkurs für StudienanfängerInnen (Mathe-Schulstoff und Beweistechniken)", lecture given by Prof. Dr. J. Dorfmeister
    • Summer term 2004: Exercise courses for "Höhere Mathematik II für Bau- und Vermessungswesen", lecture given by Prof. Dr. R. Koch
    • Winter term 2003/ 2004: Computer-based exercise courses for the "Felix-Klein-Vorlesung: Einzugsbereiche dynamischer Systeme und ihre algorithmische Bestimmung", lecture given by Dr. P. Giesl
    • Summer term 2003: Exercise Courses for "Höhere Mathematik IV für Elektro- und Informationstechnik", lecture given by Prof. Dr. J. Scheurle
    • Winter term 2002/ 03: Exercise courses for "Höhere Mathematik III für Elektro- und Informationstechnik", lecture given by Prof. Dr. J. Scheurle
    • Summer term 2002: Exercise courses for "Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie II", lecture given by Prof. Dr. P. Gritzmann
    • Winter term 2001/ 02: Exercise courses for "Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I", lecture given by Prof. Dr. P. Gritzmann
  • "AbiTUMath" joint pupil-student seminary “Game Theory, Decisions & Elections” together with Dr. V. Krummeck (organization) at the TU München, 14-18/ 04/ 2009. Guest speakers: Dr. R. Giltay (MLP AG) and Prof. Dr. F. Pukelsheim (University Augsburg).
  • Since 2008: Member of the organization committee for the "Hurwitz Ferienschule" (a special seminary week for students in their 2nd year founded by the Hurwitz-Gesellschaft).
  • Volunteer at the pupils program TUMMS of the TU München, from 2003 until 2012. Inter alia, organization of the Mathematics contest “MatBoj” at 21/ 05/ 2005, 27/ 05/ 2006, 17/ 05/ 2008, and 13/ 09/ 2008.
  • Coordination of the study admission procedure for BSc in mathematics at the TU München and course guidance, 2008/ 09
IMAGINARY in Muscat 2015
International Year of Crystallography 2014
 Further Activities
Wappen der Familie Rupp

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